Performance Settings
The controller contains parameters that control many characteristics of a vehicle’s performance. Using these parameters allows the controller to be programmed for a wide variety of applications. After setting up the throttle, it is recommended that you set up the maximum speed and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of the vehicle.
If there is a potentiometer that sets the maximum speed on the vehicle, make sure it is adjusted to the maximum speed setting before configuring the performance settings.
Maximum Speed
The controller allows you to configure separate maximum speeds for forward and reverse directions. The Forward Speed and Reverse Speed parameters set the percentage of maximum speed allowed to the motor when the throttle is in the full position, and the speed adjustment potentiometer (if used) is set to full. To adjust the maximum speeds:
- Drive the vehicle forward and adjust the Forward Speed Forward Speed parameter in the EEPROM until the vehicle travels at the desired maximum speed at full throttle.
- Place the vehicle in reverse.
- Drive the vehicle backwards and adjust the Reverse Speed parameter in the EEPROM
- until the vehicle travels at the desired maximum speed at full throttle.
Minimum Speed
Sets the minimum speed for forward/reverse throttle when the throttle exits the deadband region. Some systems may not move at all for very small drive values; this setting allows the drive output to be set to a minimum level that will cause motion.
Acceleration and Deceleration
The controller stores two sets of accel and decel tuning parameters. The correct set of parameters are activated using the 'Mode 1/2' or 'Indoor/Outdoor' selections. When adjusting settings, make sure the mode selection is in the correct position.
It will be necessary to perform the acceleration and deceleration tuning steps twice for vehicles that use both Modes.
The acceleration and deceleration parameters give you control of how smoothly the vehicle accelerates and decelerates. Fast acceleration and deceleration rates will give the vehicle quick performance but will discharge the batteries at a higher rate.
- From a stopped position, press the throttle to the full throttle position to check the acceleration rate.
- Adjust the Forward Accel parameter in the EEPROM until the vehicle accelerates smoothly at the desired rate.
- After you have adjusted the forward acceleration rate, drive the vehicle forward at full throttle.
- Release the throttle and observe how fast the vehicle decelerates to a stop. Adjust the Forward Decel parameter in the EEPROM until the vehicle decelerates smoothly at the desired level.
- Place the vehicle in reverse and make sure there are no hazards behind the vehicle.
- From a stopped position, press the throttle to the full throttle position to check the reverse acceleration rate
- Adjust the Reverse Accel parameter in the EEPROM until the vehicle accelerates smoothly in reverse at the desired rate.
- After you have adjusted the reverse acceleration rate, drive the vehicle in reverse at full throttle.
- Release the throttle and observe how fast the vehicle decelerates to a stop. Adjust the Reverse Decel parameter in the EEPROM
- until the vehicle decelerates smoothly at the desired level.
- The Rev->Fwd Decel setting adjusts how quickly deceleration occurs when changing direction. A good starting point is the standard Reverse Decel setting, and fine-tuning the parameter to achieve the desired effect.
- Likewise, the Fwd->Rev Decel setting adjusts how quickly deceleration occurs when changing direction. A good starting point is the standard Forward Decel setting, and fine-tuning the parameter to achieve the desired effect.
For more information on setting acceleration and deceleration parameters see Configuration Registers for information on registers 0x0336 - 0x0341.